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Fun things to do while on 30a
30A, also known as Florida's Scenic Highway 30A, is a beautiful stretch of coastline that offers a plethora of fun activities for both locals and tourists. From stunning beaches to picturesque towns, there is always something to do on 30A. In this article, we will...
Under Sea Art Museum
Welcome to North America’s only permanent under water art museum, located right off our coast in South Walton!
What is 30A?
30A is a stunning stretch of coastline located in the Florida panhandle, famous for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and upscale beach towns. The area covers approximately 26 miles of shoreline and is known for its laid-back, luxurious vibe. In this blog...
All About The White Sands of 30a
30A is famous for its beautiful white quartz sand! Here is the story and history of this sand…
Top Date Night Restaurants on 30A
30A is a popular stretch of coastline in Florida that's home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. But it's not just the sand and surf that draw people here. The area is also home to some of the best restaurants in the region, serving up a range of...